Home > Products > Grout > VASA® Grout 60
VASA® Grout 60
High-performance Non-Shrink Cement-based

Secondary grouting for equipment foundations. Reinforcement and repair of concrete structures. Anchoring of foundation bolts and column base plates. Anchoring of reverse construction joints in projects such as subways, tunnels, and underground structures. Secondary grouting for fixing connections between steel structures (such as steel rails, frames, and columns) and foundations.

  • Early strength, high strength:

  • High fluidity: Can fill all gaps in equipment foundations without vibration, meeting connection structure requirements.

  • High stability: No shrinkage cracks or other defects after formation.

  • Strong durability: Belongs to inorganic bonding material, with a service life longer than that of basic concrete. Withstands hundreds of fatigue tests and shows no significant changes in strength after 50 freeze-thaw cycles. Strength significantly increases after soaking in Compressive strength(60):1-3 days≥40 MPa, 28 days ≥60 MPa. engine oil for 30 days.

  • Micro-expansion: Ensures tight contact between equipment and foundation after grouting.

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