Home > Products > Waterproofing > VASA® Waterproofing 2C100
VASA® Waterproofing 2C100
Polymer Waterproofing Mortar

Waterproofing and seepage control of building exterior walls. Waterproofing of underground structures (e.g., pile heads, garages, tunnels)

  • Suitable for both positive and negative water pressure surfaces

  • Excellent impermeability

  • Firm adhesion to the substrate, does not fall off, and can be applied on wet substrates

  • Non-toxic, harmless, environmentally friendly, and easy to apply

Product Overview


Waterproof for exterior walls of building and impermeable projects.

Underground waterproofing projects (such as pile head, garage, tunnel, etc.).

Technical Specifications

The mortar complying with the requirements of Type I of JC/T984-2011 Polymer modified cement mortars for waterproof. The main indicators are as follows:


Technical indicators

Setting time

Initial setting, min


Final setting, h


Impermeable pressure, MPa

Coating specimen



Mortar speciman,





Compressive strength, MPa,


Flexural strength, MPa


Flexibility(Horizontal deformation capacity)/mm,


Adhesive strength, Mpa





Alkali resistance

No crack or spalling

After heat treatment

No crack or spalling

After freeze-thaw cycles

No crack or spalling

Shrinkage, %


Water absorption, %,


Construction Techniques

Substrate treatment: The substrate must be free of dust, grease, any efflorescence and convex parts. Level major unevenness of surface using a quick-repair mortar. Thoroughly wet the substrate with clear water, but there is no water on the surface.

Preparation of the mortar: Preparing this mortar by weight at a mixing ratio of liquid to powder equaling to 4 to 20. Add liquid to the mixing bucket, and then slowly add the powders while mixing with mechanical agitator until a homogeneous paste without lumps is obtained. The prepared mortar should be used up in 45 minutes. Never dilute with water again.

Exterior wall of building: Coat thickness of 5 mm to 8 mm.
a.After mixing evenly, apply the mortar on substrates by 2 to 3 steps according to the evenness of the surface, and the total coat thickness should be 5mm to 8mm. Press and smooth the mortar in the last step.
b.After setting, the next coat will be applied, and so on.
c.After the last application, allow the mortar to cure for at least 7 days after hardening.
Underground waterproofing projects:Coat thickness of 6 mm to 12 mm.
a.After mixing evenly, apply the mortar on substrates by 3 steps, and each coat thickness should be 2mm to 4mm. Press and smooth the mortar in the last step.
b.After setting, it will be constructed second times, and so on.
c.After the last application, allow the mortar to cure for at least 7 days after hardening.


This mortar contains cement, which may cause skin and eye irritation. So please wear the necessary protective equipment during construction. If it touches your eyes, remove contact lenses and keep eyelids open. Rinse open eye immediately with plenty of running water. Seek medical advice if complaint continues.

Product Details

Packaging: Liquid 8 kg bucket, Powder 20kg sacks
A set of products including 1 barrel of liquid and 2 bag powder